Thursday, June 10, 2010

Managing Poor Internet Reviews

The internet and, in particular, social networking sites and other Web 2.0 technologies, provide ample opportunity for your customers and client to post reviews, good or bad, about your business. I once had a client tell me he let his web site expire because of fear that customer might say something bad about his practice. Other clients object to employing social network sites as legitimate marketing and advertising channels for similar fears. In both cases, these clients fail to understand that customers can post poor reviews whether or not the client is involved with these internet technologies.

There is not question that the internet in some ways is still the wild, wild west and nearly anything goes. So, how do you as a responsible business owner manage poor reviews?
  • First, we must recognize that internet review sites are here to stay and customers are using them as never before. If you are not using social network sites as part of your marketing/advertising/communication efforts, you should be.
  • Make internet searches for poor reviews part of you routine business management. In other words, you cannot manage what you do not know.
  • Don't over react. There is no better offense than a good defense. If you encounter one bad review compared to 10 good ones, your customers can and will recognize the context.
  • Just as you ask satisfied clients to refer friends and family to your practice, invite these same clients to post a review about your practice.
  • If a review is clearly an exaggeration, or simply not true, contact the review sites administrator. Most review sites are very interested in providing honest and accurate reviews.
  • I'll mention once again - get involved!
For more information on how to get started with social networking as part of your marketing and advertising campaign, click here.


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