Monday, June 8, 2009

Patient Satisfaction

Have you ever conducted a patient satisfaction survey?  Some of you have, most have not.  I think most physicians are interested in their patient's feedback, but are simply too busy to conduct the survey.  

Patient satisfaction surveys are immenesely helpful in helping you understand the processes in your office that are executed well and those that are not.  Frankly, it is the bad news that really guides us in providing a better experience for your patients.  And, I think most doctors want to provide not just good medical advice and service, but a good overall patient experience as well.

Many physicians affiliated with large medical instutions have access to patient satisfaction surveys.  In fact, in some locales, if you are affiliated with such an institution, it is required to conduct this survey.  The trouble with a global patient satisfaction survey is that you are measured against all specialties.  Think about it, if you are providing cosmetic services, your patient satisfaction rating is compared to those physicians providing care for life or death situations, your comparing apples and oranges.

A better approach may be to conduct your own patient satisfaction survey with focus on you specialty and/or services provided.  In this way, you can benchmark yourself year to year, making continued customer service improvement along the way.  

I have conducted many patient satisfaction surveys over the years and have yet to find an office that does everything perfectly.  Consider conducting your own patient satisfaction survey.  If time is short in your office, and it most likely is, call Primoro, Inc.  We can help.


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