Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blogging is the New Newsletter

Think about it.  How many times over the past weeks and months have we heard about another newspaper in financial trouble?  The simple fact is, we are changing the way we want news and other information.  And, the internet has enabled not only the speed of information, but when we choose to read it.  

For years I have advocated that medical practices have efficient and well-constructed websites. Providing the access of information for your patients remains the best, and probably, the most economical way to market your practice and services.  Of course, your website needs to be logical, well-designed, and attractive to meet the desires of today's patients.  Likewise, your site must be optomized to ensure your prospective patients can easily find you.  These items are critical in today's electronic media age.

Now, bring on social networking.  Internet tools like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn have permeated the culture.  Various cable news networks even ask that viewers "tweet" them while they are on the air.  In this way, the networks are reaching their viewers in real time.  Likewise, recent Presidential candidate Barrack Obama used the social networking pheomenna to fuel the electorate to get out to vote.  President Obama's use of the internet in this way will now shape future elections.  

So, how do you tap into this opportunity.  It is as simple as a blog.  Becoming a "blogger" is actually fairly easy.  Communicating to your patients with this tool is essentially free.  You merely need to take the time to post routinely.  Of course, physicians are busy people, spreading their time between patient care, running the business and having a personal life.  Well, blogging can be "sourced out."  There are a number of companies now that conduct phone call interview with you  and then write your blog.  You review it.  Then it gets posted.

And here's the best part.  When its posted, alerts go out to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, other sites and and even your patient's email that you have posted a new blog.  As your patients "follow" you, you are staying in touch with them, e.g., the ultimate electronic newsletter.  This newletter is current and available when your patients and prospective patients want it.   Likewise, prospective patients can find you when they Google.  As a side benefit, these additional links can improve your search engine ratings.

Consider discussing this opportunity with your web designer, or, give Primoro, Inc. a call.


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